MechBull is a mini tractor of 10H.P. diesel driven, equivalent to 4 bullocks. First generation MechBull was manufactured at vigyan ashram. All engineering drawings and manual are made. Later on our alumni Mr Shindade takes it forward, he sold 20 tractors.
Current Status: Mech Bull was made to demonstrate utility of low hp tractor to farmers. We have not taken registration from RTO or testing done from the Tractor training Institute. This is mainly due to cost involved. Now there are many Pvt companies started manufacturing small hp tractors. Therefore we discontinued the manufacturing of tractors. Mech Bull manual is available for anyone for study and further development.
Concerned Person: Mr Shindade
Contact Details: Fabricator of tractors:
M/S Yamai Trailors, Kanersar , Tal Khed Dist Pune
Email: vigyanashramvideos@gmail.com
Agricultural equipment ,
Mech Bull Tractor ,